Thursday, December 6, 2007

The History Project

Historical political cartoons depicting how nativism has been rampant throughout American history. From The History Project at UC Davis.

Roland's Notes about this image:Anti-Chinese advertisement for cleaning fluid implies that the US can get along without recourse to cheap Chinese labor. c. 1886.
Citation:Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540. LC-USZC4-2045. In Mary Cable and the Eds. of American Heritage, American Manners and Morals, 1969, p. 243.

Roland's Notes about this image:U.S. workers to Congressman: "You protect us against the importations of the productions of European pauper labor, but not against the importation of pauper labor itself!" Captions on buildings: "Cheap Steerage Rates, Number of Immigrants in Six Years 1881-86 inclusive 3,309,886!!" Caption on banner: "European Cheap Labor." The rich man near the immigrants is a smiling monopolist. 1887?
Citation:In Wayne Moquin, ed., Makers of America, Vol. 4, William Benton, Publisher, 1971, p. 71.

Roland's Notes about this image:The one unmixable element in the national pot was the Irish. A female U.S. figure, ("Uncle Samantha"?) stirs various stereotypes of different nationalities into the American melting pot, in "The Mortar of Assimiliation," 1889. Cartoon. Duplicate of IM-F-42.
Citation:Puck, June 26, 1889. In Bernard A. Weisberger, The American Heritage History of the American People, 1971, p. 175.

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Damn Mexicans said...

A Great Post on How Nativism today is no different from Nativism of the past

Damn Mexicans said...

Sorry the top comment is link to another great article on nativism and history. Just click on the blue words.